Lessons Learned Since Leaving my Job

My last day of work at Indochino was June 1. As of this past weekend, six months have now gone by since I decided to venture on my own career path. While I have been (very affectionately) calling myself an “unemployed bum” during this time, I have made some progress towards my personal and professional […]

Learning about the Art of Business from Andy Warhol

“Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art.” – Andy Warhol, 1975 On Sunday, I had a rare day off to relax by myself in Ottawa, our lovely nation’s capital before an evening flight back home to Vancouver. I decided to spend a couple of hours to tour a highly-recommended exhibition at […]

Day 5: Meeting the Queen

We slept in on Sunday morning as breakfast was to be served at a later hour of 9:00am.  At breakfast, we received our invitation to the Sunday Church service at Windsor.  The previous night I had googled Windsor Chapels and I discovered that the impressive St. George’s Chapel is attended by the Queen only several […]

London Day 2: Meeting with Peter Cruddas

I woke up before 5:30am, still jet-lagged from the eight-hour time difference.  I answered emails, had breakfast and spoke briefly with Judy from Kenya, who was staying in the room next to me.  Together, we walked a short fifteen minutes to the International Award Office where we relaxed for a couple of hours before lunch. […]

Not (even close to) going to Medical School

Two weeks ago was Med School decisions day in Canada. All across the country, hundreds of ultra-dedicated, academically-excelling, SAT-studying, volunteer-extraordinary, scientific-researching, people-caring, young people were eagerly anticipating the decisions of their chosen medical schools. Fortunately, many of my friends got the good news that they had been stressing over for many months, having been accepted […]